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Cancel your subscription

How to cancel your AutoEntry subscription.

Brian Carolan avatar
Written by Brian Carolan
Updated over 6 months ago

You can cancel your subscription to AutoEntry in a few simple steps.

📎NOTE: If your subscription is due to renew within 24 hours, you will not have the option to cancel your subscription.

  1. Log in to AutoEntry, then click Settings in the left-hand navigation bar.​

  2. Click the Subscriptions and Billing tab, then click Cancel Subscription.

  3. A window pops up that requires you to confirm a reason for cancellation. Select your reason for cancelling.

  4. Enter the suggested improvements you'd like to see made by AutoEntry.

  5. Select whether you plan to resubscribe to AutoEntry or not.

  6. Click Cancel subscription.

📎NOTE: All data stored on AutoEntry is stored for the period of the current subscription. If a subscription is cancelled, your data will remain in AutoEntry for a further 13 months before being deleted (our standard 13-month rollover period) to allow you to download or copy any data you require.

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