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AccountsPrep - All Batches

An overview of the All Batches section in AccountsPrep.

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Written by AutoEntry Support Team
Updated over a week ago


This overview will show you what is included in the All Batches tab, and some main points to do with its functions.

Applies To

  • AccountsPrep integrated companies.


The All Batches area lists every batch type posted in the current period together in one single view.

The batch types listed include every entry possible:

  • Bank Statement batches

  • Cheque batches

  • Sales batches

  • Expense batches

  • Journal batches:

    • Standard Journal

    • Double Journal

    • Quick Journal

  • Opening balances (auto-generated)

To navigate to the All Batches page, go to Accounting > All Batches in the navigation bar as seen below:

  • Hit the View Summary button and it will take you to the Journal Summary report which is a full detailed breakdown of every batch entry.

  • By clicking on either the Debit or Credit balance on a single line you will be brought to the same Journal Summary report for that individual batch entry only.

  • By clicking on the batch entry name (under the Description column) you will be brought to a view-mode for that batch entry, from which you can go a step further and edit the batch by hitting the Edit button.

  • Batch numbers are continued from prior periods. If you delete a batch, it may seem like the numbers are not consecutive, but you will find the missing ones under the Draft or Delete tab.

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