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Frequently Asked GDPR Questions

Some specific questions we're regularly asked on GDPR compliance. There might even be a few answers too!

Brian Carolan avatar
Written by Brian Carolan
Updated over a week ago

GDPR Compliant? Yes, of course!  You can find our GDPR compliance statement and details here. We're more than happy to answer any specific questions you have. Please find below a number of the common questions that we receive:

Where is the data stored?
AutoEntry uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) data centers in the EU-West region. Specifically, our servers are located in Ireland. 

What Data is Stored?
We store your basic contact details as provided during sign-up to AutoEntry in order to provide the service: Name, Organisation name, email address and country of residence. Uploaded data (invoices/statements) are securely stored with the option at all times to delete this data at any stage. 

What Security is in Place?
AutoEntry uses best practice security methods, more of which can be found here.

Rights to delete data. Is the data actually deleted?
All users on AutoEntry have the ability to delete individual items, files or companies at any stage. To delete a full billing account (and all data therein), this can be done by contacting customer support directly. Once deleted, the data is not recoverable by the user or Ocrex Ltd (t/a AutoEntry). On AutoEntry... delete means delete!

Is AutoEntry ISO 27001 certified?
We are working towards it! As anyone who is certified knows, it takes quite some time! We happily passed and were certified for Stage 1 compliance in May '18 with Stage 2 due in November '18 after the usual 6 month period between stages. See the latest update here

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