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Restart the Sync App

How to restart the AutoEntry Sync App Desktop Service or Console if you integrate with Sage 50 or QuickBooks Desktop.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over 12 months ago

When you notice that your published invoices haven't transferred to Sage 50 or QuickBooks Desktop, it's best to check the status of your connection on the Sync App.

📌TIP: You can also check your connection status by going to your company's Integrate page. This is located on the left-hand side of the company homepage.

If you don't have access to this button on your company homepage, you need to contact your billing user/account holder. They can complete these steps for you or amend your access rights so you can doy it yourself.

Does it show as offline?

If it shows as offline, you need to restart the Sync App. The steps to do this differ depending on whether it is running as a Service or a Console Application.

📌TIP: Not sure how it's running? You can easily check the start-up type (Service/Console) of your Sync App.

Restarting a Sync App Service Application

  1. Unpublish any invoices in the inbox that aren't publishing for you.

  2. Go to the PC with the AutoEntry Sync App installed on it.

  3. Open your PC's Task Manager, then click on the tab for Services.

  4. Look through the list for 'AutoEntry.DesktopSync.Service' and right-click on it.

  5. Click Restart.

  6. Open the Sync App and ensure you can view your companies.

  7. Go back to the AutoEntry website and publish the affected invoices again.

    Allow around 10 minutes for invoices to publish to Sage 50.

Restarting a Sync App Console Application

  1. Go to the PC that has the Sync App installed on it, and open the application.

  2. Click ‘Re-start Desktop Service’ and a black window should pop up for a moment. This is the console window which will run in the background of your PC so long as you keep the Sync App open.

  3. Ensure you are able to view your company list on the Sync App.

  4. Go back to the AutoEntry website and publish the affected invoices again.

📎NOTE: The Sync App needs to be restarted on the workstation stated in the box near the bottom of your company's Integrate page.

(For privacy purposes, the image below has been amended to block out the workstation name).

How do I check my PC name?

You can check the workstation name of the PC you are working on by doing the following:

  1. Open your PC's Settings (search your PC's apps).

  2. Click System.

  3. Scroll down on the sidebar and click About.

  4. The 'Full device name' should match the workstation name listed on your company's Integrate page on the AutoEntry website (the information on the image below has been blocked out for privacy purposes).

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