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User Profile

Your user profile is where you can edit your name, language, password, security questions, and 2-step verification.

Brian Carolan avatar
Written by Brian Carolan
Updated over 7 months ago

Your User Profile is where you can manage your own personal AutoEntry account. On this page you can view and edit the following:

  • Profile details

  • AutoEntry password

  • Security questions

  • 2-step Verification

How to access your user profile

Click Profile on the left-hand navigation menu.

Profile details

You automatically land on the Profile Details tab. Here you can view and edit the following.

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Language - English (GB, US, and CA) and French (CA)

  • Email

📎NOTE: You can't edit these details if you created your account using a Sage ID or Intuit ID.


This is where you can change your password when already logged in, rather than using the forgot password option. You can also create an AutoEntry

📌TIP: You can also create an AutoEntry password here if you originally signed up using a Sage ID or Intuit ID. You would need to do this to create an AutoEntry password for the Desktop Sync App.

Change password

  1. Enter your current password.

  2. Enter a new password that includes all required elements listed.

  3. Enter your new password again to confirm

  4. Click Save Changes.

When the password successfully changes, a notification banner across the top of the page appears to confirm it.


This is where you can add security questions to verify your account when contacting support. If you already have them, click Replace to change them.

You can add four questions. Click Save Changes once you've picked them and entered an answer.

📎NOTE: You must create security questions before you can set up 2-Step Verification.

2-Step Verification

This is where you can set up 2-step verification for your AutoEntry login, also known as 2-factor authentication.

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