The user is receiving the below error when attempting to restore a company's backup file on Sage 50 UK&I.
The company you are using is currently set up for AutoEntry.
The backup file selected cannot be restored because the data is from a different company.
Applies To
Sage 50 UK&I users
This error typically appears when your company is still connected to AutoEntry whilst attempting to restore its data on Sage 50.
To clear the error, you will need to disconnect AutoEntry from Sage prior to restoring your data.
To do this, please follow these steps:
Open your AutoEntry Desktop Sync App, and click 'Disconnect' next to the company's name.
Attempt to restore the company data on Sage again.
Reconnect the company on the Sync App (same method as disconnecting, but click 'Connect' next to the company's name.)
Once reconnected, please keep the Sync App open whilst your codes are syncing back through to AutoEntry from Sage.
Additional Information
If you have already disconnected the affected company from AutoEntry and are having trouble restoring the backup file, please be sure that you are following these steps.