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File Management Overview

A full overview of the File Management Folder.

Brian Carolan avatar
Written by Brian Carolan
Updated over 6 months ago

File Management is a document storage facility. Documents that are uploaded are not sent for processing automatically, but you can submit any document for processing and extraction at any time.

This makes it very powerful wherein clients, for example, or any user can upload documents which can then be individually sent for processing as required without giving the client specific access to the purchases folder in AutoEntry.

There is still currently no charge or storage limit for uploading and storing documents within File Management. However, if abuse of the system occurs with excessive storage, AutoEntry reserves the right to reassess storage limits or charges in the future. When documents are submitted for processing, the normal charge for that document type applies.

This article will go into detail about the following:

1. Uploading Documents

Files and documents can be uploaded to File Management as normal using the Upload button on the top right corner of the folder shown below. You can also move documents from one folder to another also if required; the steps to do so will be outlined later in this article under the 'Managing your Documents' heading.

Selecting the File Type

When uploading documents, the File Type (Bank Statement, Purchase Invoice/Bill, Supplier Statement etc.) can be selected using a drop-down menu before and after the upload is complete. This means that if you decide to submit that file for processing and extraction later on, the file type will indicate which folder the file will be sent to in AutoEntry.

For example, a bank statement will process through the bank statement folder, or a sales credit note will process through the Sales folder, etc. Once the extraction and verification are complete, the files will be in their respective inboxes, ready and waiting for you.

After selecting the file type, simply drag and drop or browse your PC for the files you want to upload. The file extension types accepted for upload are as normal: JPG, JPEG, PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, TIF and TIFF.

Once the upload is complete, a green tick will appear beside each file and the upload window can be closed with the ‘X’ to the top right.

2. Overview of Folders

There are 4 default sections set up for you, allowing for quick access to the documents in those specific sections:

  • Root Folder

  • Bank Feeds

  • Supplier Feeds - This is a legacy feature no longer offered by AutoEntry

  • Recycle Bin

Root Folder

The Root Folder is essentially the main folder in the File Management system. After clicking into the Root Folder, you will see buttons for creating a folder and uploading documents (to the folder you're in) to the top right.

To create a folder, simply click + New Folder and give the folder a name. You can also create sub-folders within a folder if necessary. The navigation bar at the top left will show you the directory for the folder you are in, and you can click on any of the folder names to jump directly to that folder. In this example, we have created a folder called Uploads and a sub-folder called Sales Invoices which we are currently viewing.

Any individual documents uploaded to the Root Folder will be listed below any folders created.

Once uploaded, documents will show in that folder immediately showing:

  • File Name

  • The user that uploaded the document

  • The date it was added

  • Document Date

  • File Size

  • File Type

  • Status

  • Action

  • Preview – To preview the file uploaded, click on the file name and a pop-up window will show the image of that document. This preview can take up to 10 minutes to generate. If a warning appears that no preview is available, just come back a few minutes later while the file is being created on our system. The file size will determine the time taken to generate the preview.

  • Document Date – This is not entered by AutoEntry (no extraction has been done on the document yet) but it can be entered to help you manage your documents. Entering the document date can aid later retrieval, as you can filter and search by these document dates. Once processed by AutoEntry, the actual document date is extracted from the document regardless of the date selected here.

  • File Type – This will show the file type if selected at point of upload or, using the drop down menu, the file type can be selected here after upload.

  • Status and Action – Once the file type has been selected, the file can then be submitted by clicking on the Submit button. Once clicked, the option to extract line items is given before the final submission. Submitted documents will show their status as Submitted, cycling through Queued for Processing, Processing and Ready as the file completes its extraction process. Once ready, those documents can be found in their respective folder's inbox as per the file type selected.

Recycle Bin

Any documents or folders deleted within File Management will go to the Recycle Bin. If a file as been deleted in error, it can be retrieved from here and restored back to it’s original folder.

To delete a file permanently, use the check boxes to select the files, and click on the Actions button to select delete.

Please note: Once a file is deleted from the Recycle Bin, there is no way for it to be recovered - it is immediately deleted from AutoEntry's database. If required, the documents would need to be uploaded to AutoEntry again. Documents that are submitted or being processed cannot be deleted until the extraction is ready and in your inbox.

3. Creating a New Folder

New folders can be quickly created within the 4 main sections of File Management at any stage. It is recommended to keep any folders created in the Root Folder. The Bank and Supplier Feeds are kept specifically for those functions.

After clicking into the Root Folder, simply click on the + New Folder button to the top right.

In the next pop-up window, simply enter the folder name you wish to create and click Create Folder.

You can create as many folders or sub-folders as you require. There is no limit on the number of folders you can create.

4. Managing your Documents

Within each folder, you have the ability to manage your folders and documents using the check boxes to the left hand side. The master checkbox at the top left allows you to check all or uncheck all.

Once you have selected your documents/folders, the Actions button allow you to:

  • Delete – Deleting items (not possible while documents are submitted or processing)

  • Download – Downloads the files locally to your PC

  • Move – From folder to folder but also to another company in AutoEntry

  • Assign Type – For assigning a document type to multiple documents at once

  • Submit – For submitting multiple documents at once

  • Rename – to rename a Folder. It is not possible to rename individual documents or files.

Moving Files

When moving a file, the following window will open:

AutoEntry will, by default, move the documents within the same company, but if you need to move documents to another company, simply use the dropdown menu near the top right to select another company to move them to.

In the lower half of the window you can select the folder you wish to move the documents to, or if required, create a new folder for those documents by selecting the + New Folder option. The navigation bar will show the folder you are moving the files to.

Additional Information

  • The availability of File Management is optional per user. Access to the folder can be added/removed under User Permissions at any stage.

  • We have more articles about other specific functions within File Management available on our Help Center here.

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